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Tests and the Rest: College Admissions Podcast

Oct 30, 2020

Everyone knows that extracurricular activities matter in college admissions. But do you know which aspects of participation and achievement really make a difference? Amy and Mike invited admissions expert Judi Robinovitz to outline the essentials of building an A+ extracurricular resume.

 What are five things you will...

Oct 27, 2020

The test prep and tutoring industry has somehow grown into a multi-billion dollar behemoth without any guiding association, credentials, or voice. But is the world ready for a non-profit industry organization ready to promote ethical education and advocate for all stakeholders in the testing process? Amy and Mike...

Oct 23, 2020

While most K-12 students would love test-optional schooling, most K-12 teachers strongly disagree. Why are exams essential and inextricable components of education? Amy and Mike invited educator Travis Koutsoubos-Miles to discuss how tests drive learning.

 What are five things you will learn in this episode?

  1. Are tests...

Oct 20, 2020

For most families, the path from kindergarten to college seems set in stone, requiring as many years as there are grades. Yet, many students accelerate through the process. Should yours?  Amy and Mike invited educator Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik to explore the impact of skipping a grade on students.

 What are five things you...

Oct 16, 2020

The admissions process for four-year schools increases in complexity in proportion to how tough a college or university is to get into. What should you know, then, for the most competitive of all? Amy and Mike invited educational consultant John Morganelli, Jr. to share admissions insights for highly selective...