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Tests and the Rest: College Admissions Podcast

Aug 30, 2019

The public rarely receives any College Board initiative warmly, but the general response to announcement of the Environmental Context Dashboard exceeded most previous levels of cynicism, so much so that they’re already going back to the drawing board for a new plan. What makes the idea of an “adversity score” so...

Aug 27, 2019

While every teen endures some level of emotional or behavioral turmoil, some reach such a crisis point that they require immersive therapy in specialized academic or nonacademic settings. Amy and Mike invited education professional Jason Robinovitz to explain the different options for therapeutic schools and teens in...

Aug 23, 2019

When is a price not a price? When the stated retail cost of a year at any college diverges dramatically from what students actually cost, you can’t effectively factor price into your initial college search. Amy and Mike invited educational expert Mark Salisbury to explain the importance of and path to college price...

Aug 20, 2019

How can we succeed in the moment when we’re so burdened by thoughts of the past and anxious over fears of the future? The practice and application of mindfulness can keep a person fully focused on the present. Amy and Mike invited author and test prep professional Logan Thompson to discuss powerful strategies for...

Aug 16, 2019

The multiple-choice grammar sections of the SAT and ACT have never been more similar. Nonetheless, important distinctions between the ACT English and SAT Writing and Language sections can influence how test takers approach the exams. Amy and Mike invited best-selling author Erica Meltzer to explore the subtle...