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Tests and the Rest: College Admissions Podcast

Nov 30, 2022

Ready to learn the history, philosophy, and practice of an experienced professional in the test prep industry?


Dr. Kuni Michael Beasley has a BS from Texas Christian University (GO Frogs!), an MBA from Oklahoma City University, a Doctor of Ministry in Greek and Hebrew from Tyndale Seminary, and a Ph.D....

Nov 29, 2022

Ready to learn the history, philosophy, and practice of an experienced professional in the test prep industry?


Jeff Eisenberg, the founder of Long Island Test Prep, has been working as a test prep professional since 1991. He’s a lifelong resident of Long Island. Having just retired from the classroom...

Nov 28, 2022

Ready to learn the history, philosophy, and practice of an experienced professional in the test prep industry?


Huzefa Kapadia is the founder of Scalar Learning LLC, an education services company based in Los Angeles, CA. Moreover, he is a math video curriculum developer, math musician, and a private math...

Nov 25, 2022

Learning and innovation, it is said, go hand in hand. Unfortunately, teachers don't always see how to bring the two together. Amy and Mike invited educator Barak Moore to describe how to be an innovative educator.

 What are five things you will learn in this episode?

  1. What makes innovation such an important cornerstone...

Nov 22, 2022

So many important factors converge in the college selection process, yet one of the most critical ones is far too often ignored. Amy and Mike invited college consultant Chris Wills to make the case for considering college financial fit first.

What are five things you will learn in this episode?

  1. In what ways have the...