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Tests and the Rest: College Admissions Podcast

Jan 29, 2021

Almost every conversation about college admissions and choice eventually turns to major. Should teenagers even be expected to know what they want to study for the next four to six years? Amy and Mike invited admissions expert V. Peter Pitts to consider if and when college majors matter.

 What are five things you will...

Jan 26, 2021

Course selection heavily influences both a student’s high school experience and college prospects, yet definitive answers on how to make these choices are often lacking. Amy and Mike invited educational consultant Phil Black to analyze high school course selection and academic rigor.

 What are five things you will...

Jan 22, 2021

When the global pandemic hit, many families were reluctant to abandon face-to-face tutoring for remote platforms. Are their good reasons to be equally hesitant to completely return to old models of instruction?  Amy and Mike invited educator Christopher Sanderson to review key strategies to make online tutoring matter...

Jan 19, 2021

Pre-COVID, visiting a college campus was an important way to both learn about a school and signal interest. Today and likely going forward, more and more families will conduct that due diligence online, but they have to do it right. Amy and Mike invited educational consultant Jodi Rosenshein Atkin to highlight ways to...

Jan 15, 2021

While standardized tests assess only part of a full high school math curriculum, assessing priorities has historically been difficult. Fortunately, ACT has quantified and clarified many elements of its flagship exam. Amy and Mike invited educator Adam Snoza to explain what can be learned from ACT Math Reporting...