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Tests and the Rest: College Admissions Podcast

Jan 31, 2020

When you work in the business of education, you are bound to receive an education in business law. Don’t learn your legal lessons the hard way!  Amy and Mike invited attorney Matthew Seeley to the Tests and the Rest Winter Conference 2020 to speak about legal issues for educational enterprises. In the first part of...

Jan 28, 2020

In the course of common school day activities, students share extensive personal data, completely oblivious to the many ways this information can be--and often is--exploited. Even the important college admissions tests can present certain security hazards. Amy and Mike invited student advocate Leonie Haimson to explain...

Jan 24, 2020

Colleges and universities in the United States draw international acclaim and interest. Why, then, might American students be wise to consider schooling abroad? Amy and Mike invited international educational consultant Kevin Newton to enumerate the many unexpected benefits of attending university in Europe.

 What are...

Jan 21, 2020

Major revisions of the major standardized college entrance exams come few, far between, and with great fanfare. Don’t take this to mean, however, that the SAT and ACT don’t change all the time bit by bit. Amy and Mike invited test prep expert Evan Wessler to the Tests and the Rest Winter Conference 2020 to...

Jan 17, 2020

While qualifying for admission to a competitive college or university requires endless hours of study and commitment, applying to such a school should not. Is the application process as difficult as it used to be, and can it be further improved?  Amy and Mike invited author and consultant Roger Dooley to explain the...